Reservation, Payment method and Refund Policy

Hiking for Travelers | Puerto Rico Natura


  • via WhatsApp or by text: +1 (939) 249-9069

Payment method

  • Venmo or PayPal
  • Full amount
  • We can agree other on ways of payment.

Feel free to contact us: whatsapp or phone call +1 (939) 249-9069. This is an unique local experience.
Contact person: Ricardo Martínez

Refund Policy

  • If you cancel 2 weeks before your trip date 50% of the amount is refunded.
  • If you cancel 1 week before your trip there will be NO refund and you forfeit the full amount.
  • If we cancel you will receive a full amount refund.

We provide life jackets and helmets when needed.

Important information you must know before to participate.
Book via WHATSAPP to our telephone +1 (939) 249-9069 and we will send the details.
(939) 249-9069